Articles on: Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to the platform. Let's dive into the three primary steps to get you started: Adding Your Brand, Connecting Your Social Media Accounts, and Generating a Campaign.

Step 1: Adding Your Brand

Upon logging in, you'll be directed to the 'Add Brand' page. This step is crucial and needs to be completed before accessing other features.

How to Add Your Brand:
Click on "Add My Brand."
Enter your business's URL in the dialog. If you don't have a website yet, select the "Don't have a website?" option to manually fill out your brand information.

Our AI will then analyze your website or the provided information to understand your brand's essence, target audience, and services. After this, your brand profile will be ready. You can review and enrich this in the 'Brand Context' section with additional information, images, products, and even tailor the style of your posts. Our 'Deep Knowledge' feature in the Brand Context helps the AI gain a deeper insight into your brand, including aspects like partnerships, testimonials, values, and founding story, ensuring more nuanced and targeted content.

Step 2: Connecting Your Social Media Accounts

To enable automated posting, connect your social media accounts:

Go to the 'Connected Accounts' tab.
Click on "Connect Accounts," which redirects you to our Ayrshare portal.
Sign in to each of your social media platforms via the portal to connect them.

Once connected, these accounts will appear in the 'Connected Accounts' section of the AI Social Media App. If they don't show up immediately, refresh the page or re-attempt the linking process. For any issues, please reach out to our support team.

Step 3: Generating a Campaign and Publishing It

Now, it's time to automate your social media:

Navigate to the 'Campaigns' tab and select "Create My First Campaign."
Fill in the campaign details, including platform selection, duration, and posting frequency. For starters, consider a shorter campaign with lower frequency to familiarize yourself with our platform.
After submitting, allow a few minutes for our AI to craft a unique social media strategy for your brand.

You'll then see the proposed campaign, where you can adjust schedules, edit images, and modify captions. Once satisfied, click "Publish" to schedule your posts.

Note: Ensure to publish your campaign to activate it.

Congratulations! Your brand's social media is now on autopilot. Keep an eye on your notifications and engagement levels for each post.

Expanding Your Reach

Don't stop there! You can run multiple campaigns simultaneously to maximize your brand's online presence. With the AI Social Media App, managing and scaling your social media efforts has never been easier.

For any further assistance or queries, our support team is always here to help. Let's make your brand's social media journey a remarkable one!

Updated on: 16/12/2023

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