Articles on: Brand Context

Setting up the Brand Context

Welcome to your guide for leveraging the Brand Context. The Brand Context serves as the brain for your brand's AI, containing essential details that empower the AI to generate custom-tailored content. A well-populated Brand Context leads to more accurate and effective social media posts. Here we're going to dive deeper into each segment of the Brand Context:

Basic Info
Look and Feel
Deep Knowledge

1. Basic Info

Establish your brand's basic identity here by setting your Name, Logo, and Description. You can also locate your Brand API Key here.

- Name: This is where your brand's name is set.
- Logo: Your logo acts as a visual anchor in your posts, helping to maintain brand consistency and recognition.
- Description: A succinct summary of your brand's mission, service(s), or product(s). This helps the AI understand the context and ethos of your brand.
- Brand API Key: This key is used to integrate with other apps and services, such as Zapier. It's the unique identifier that allows external applications to recognize and connect with your brand within our platform.

2. Look and Feel

Customize the visual and tonal elements of your posts in the Look and Feel Section with post templates, brand colors, font, and tone of voice.

- Post Templates: Choose a template that aligns with your brand’s image. 'Image Only' focuses solely on imagery, while 'Rounded' and 'Boxed' incorporate more of your brand's style elements such as your brand colors and font.
- Brand Colors and Font: These are critical for maintaining a consistent brand image when using non-'Image Only' templates. They ensure that your posts are immediately recognizable as yours. The brand colors are used as the fill colors for your templates and the font is used for the overlay text.
- Tone of Voice: This setting influences how your brand 'speaks' in its posts. Whether you want to appear professional, friendly, humorous, or inspirational, the tone setting guides the AI in crafting messages that resonate with your brand's voice.

3. Media

Curate a gallery of non-product images that represent your brand's identity and ethos. Upload high-quality images that reflect your brand's character, such as team photos, office images, or brand-centric visuals.

Warning: Refrain from adding product images here; those should be exclusively uploaded in the 'Products' section to avoid duplication and ensure proper usage.

4. Products

Teach the AI about your products to enable product posts that highlight them in the best manner. We can even include links that point back to the purchase page to help drive some sales.

- Product Name: Each product entry should include a clear title.
- Product Description: Each product entry should include a description that explains the product. The AI will use this when crafting the post.
- Product Link: The link to the product detail page.
- Product Images: Choose images that best showcase your product. The AI prioritizes these images in product-related posts, so the order and selection of images are crucial.

Warning: Do not ad product photos that you do not want to see in posts.

5. Deep Knowledge

Although this is at the bottom of the list, Deep Knowledge is one of our most important features of the brand context. Here is where you really teach the AI about your brand and what sets you apart. This will greatly change the quality of your posts and make them appear more tailored to your brand as opposed to general knowledge. When you add Documents to your Deep Knowledge Section, the AI will then be able to take this data into consideration when crafting your posts. We suggest multiple categories here such as founding story, partnerships, quick tips, etc. We also added the ability to drag and drop documents and enter free form text so you can tell the AI as much as you want about your brand.

- Rich Information Categories: Include detailed stories about your brand's origins, highlight notable partnerships, and quick tips. This information gives the AI a more nuanced understanding of your brand.
- Document Upload and Free Form Text Input: This feature allows you to directly input lengthy texts or upload documents, providing an opportunity to communicate intricate details about your brand to the AI.


The Brand Context is more than just a data repository; it's the core from which your brand's digital identity and online presence emanate. By thoroughly filling out each section, you empower the AI to create content that’s not just relevant but also resonant with your brand’s unique story and values. Remember, the depth and accuracy of information in the Brand Context directly influence the effectiveness and authenticity of your social media engagement.

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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